Electrolysis has been in existence for over 130 years and is the only demonstrated form of permanent hair removal. It is clinically proven to be safe and effective. Unlike other methods, electrolysis eliminates any hair and treats all skin types with no negative side effects.

There was a time when little was known about electrolysis as a hair removal treatment. For models and actresses, it was an insider’s beauty secret, but those days have long passed. Today, people of all ages and ethnicities enjoy permanently smooth, hair-free skin – a benefit that only electrolysis provides. The results are more than skin-deep, as a refreshing new look boosts one’s confidence and self-esteem.

Removal of unwanted hair is nothing new. Throughout history, people have gone to great lengths to get rid of excess body hair.  As early as 4000 B.C., women in ancient Egypt made hair removal creams from beeswax, arsenic, and quicklime. Through evolution, people devised various other antidotes for removing hair, but the results were always the same, as the hair always grew back.

It wasn’t until 1875, that electrolysis was invented. Dr. Charles Michel, a St. Louis ophthalmologist, who devised a system to remove patients’ irritated, ingrown eyelashes. Michel’s method is still used today, though with significant technological improvements, it effectively destroys the hair growth cells, preventing further growth.

Electrolysis proved to be a breakthrough discovery.  Today, electrolysis prides itself by having the greatest and most timely track record for the permanent removal of hair. Medical experts agree that electrolysis is the only safe, effective method for removing hair permanently. 

Today’s marketplace is flooded with temporary hair removal methods, such as laser reduction, depilatories, waxing and threading, but they have the same disadvantages as ancient methods, in that the hair grows back.  Many of these methods can actually increase hair growth.

For permanent hair removal, electrolysis is the ONLY solution. It works on all body areas and is effective on light or dark hair, as well on all types of skin tones.

With today’s rapidly changing technology and treatment protocols, electrolysis is more effective and comfortable than ever before.