Ferriman-Gallway Hirsutism Scoring System
The Ferriman–Gallwey score is a method of evaluating and quantifying hirsutism in women. The method was originally published in 1961 by D. Ferriman and J.D. Gallwey in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology.
How to Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair
There are many ways you can remove or reduce unwanted facial hair. Many people struggle with this issue, especially due to hormonal changes. However, there are many remedies available for you, from natural ones you can do at home to more complicated procedures best done in a salon.
Preventing Ingrown Hairs
Preventing ingrown hair can be done by applying products but also by choosing a hair removal method that will lower your chances. Read more about these methods and say good-bye to redness, bumps and inflammation. Who needs that?
Laser Hair Removal vs. Electrolysis: Which Is Better?
Laser hair removal and electrolysis are two popular types of long-term hair removal methods. Both work by targeting hair follicles located under the skin’s surface.
7 Electrolysis Hair Removal Benefits
Getting rid of unwanted hair is something that most people do. The options for different ways for removing hair are endless. From shaving to waxing to at home laser hair removal, there are always new choices popping up. Electrolysis is one of these new methods and is rapidly gaining in popularity, likely due to the benefits of the process. Each hair removal process has its own pro and cons, and everybody has a preference for which they like best.
5 Myths About Electrolysis Revealed

Beauty: Copying with Unwanted Hair
Hot weather and revealing summer clothes pose a troublesome cosmetic problem for many women: how to banish superfluous hair. Legs and underarms are most often the areas in need of attention, but women are also often bothered by downy growth on the upper lip, chin and torso.
Electrolysis Treatment: Video
Electrolysis is a safe, FDA-approved permanent hair removal treatment that is sure to get rid of any unwanted hair. Learn what to expect before you book an appointment.
Apilus xCell – Permanent Hair Removal Electrolysis Device
The world-exclusive design of the Apilus xCell uses the ultrarapid 27.12 MHz frequency to permanently destroy all hair types. Because its power is greater and its frequency is up to 6 times faster than any other epilator, the Apilus xCell optimizes energy concentration in the hair follicle and thus obtains much faster results.
Meet The Experts- Electrolysis Vs. Laser Hair Removal For Men & Women